Mattias Vanderoost

VP New Business & Ventures at Telenet Group

Mattias Vanderoost is 36Y old father of 2 with an educational background in bio-chemical engineering supported with an additional MBA at Vlerick Business School. He started his career in 2011 at Procter & Gamble where he took up multiple roles ranging from supply chain, strategic purchasing & marketing both on national and international level. In 2018, he joined Telenet to lead the digital front-end teams from which he quickly grows towards broader leadership roles with a large focus on Telenet’s customer relationship strategy and how the company can translate these into their digital touchpoints & transformation.
Since 1 year, Mattias took up the role of Vice President New Business and Ventures, where he and his team take up the challenge to find new growth opportunities for Telenet beyond their core offering, both through means of productizing, venturing or partnering across the ecosystems of interest. He is also a board member of Doccle and IMEC I-start which show Telenet commitment towards corporate venturing activities.