Pieter de Leenheer

Founder of Collibra & CTO at 1upHealth

Pieter De Leenheer is the Chief Technology Officer of 1upHealth, leading the definition and execution of 1upHealth’s technology strategy. His extensive background in computer science, data innovation, and venture capital provide the foundation from which he oversees 1up’s technology functions, including platform engineering, machine learning, and product support. Additionally, Pieter is the founder of Collibra, a unicorn software venture that spun off from his data governance research at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Since 2008, Collibra has been uniting organizations by delivering trusted data for every use, for every user, across every source with a diverse global footprint across the US, the UK, Europe, and Australia.

Pieter also maintains strong academic credentials and frequently writes, teaches, and advises on computing and management aspects of data innovation, while serving as an expert to several national governments and the European Commission.

Pieter has four daughters under six and lives in New York City with his Belgo-American family.