Helga Schepers

Trainer at 3Vision

Helga Schepers is a trainer in Lewis Deep Democracy and a facilitator of transition processes. She embraces the transformative power of learning and change, driven by a deep conviction that learning is evolving and evolving is re-learning. Her journey is one of constant exploration, fueled by a deep fascination with diverse cultures and a relentless search for knowledge.

As a program director, Schepers learned about the complex dynamics of coordinating teams and negotiating with international partners. This experience not only sharpened her leadership skills but also inspired her to look for opportunities to build powerful teams and work together to achieve extraordinary results.

Holding a master's degree in Japanese studies and a degree in Intercultural Management and International Communication, she immersed herself in understanding the complexities of global interaction. Thus, her journey brought her to Deep Democracy. At the same time, her certification as a Lewis Deep Democracy trainer sparked her passion for inclusive decision-making, where every voice matters. Schepers believes in the profound impact of inclusive leadership—where diversity is celebrated and collective wisdom is used to achieve greatness.